Monday, June 4, 2012

No Time To Exercise? You Are Not Alone!

Lack of time is the most often cited excuse for not exercising. I deliberately chose the word "excuse" over its less judgmental alternative "obstacle". Simply because I cannot see an "obstacle" when I compare two simple metrics: the hours people spend watching TV and the minutes needed to maintain one's health with exercise. With high intensity interval training, or HIT, health enhancing exercise can be compressed into an amazingly short amount of time. When done right. [tweet this].
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Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Live Longer And Exercise Shorter?

Let's face it, if exercise was really that much fun, everybody would do it and we wouldn't be fat, diabetic or die of heart disease. So when your doctor tells you that you better start exercising, your immediate question might be: how much do I have to do? The answer is, it depends. It depends on whether you want to hear the polite version or the truth.  [tweet this].

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Monday, May 28, 2012

3 Ways to Spot Their Lies About Healthy Recipes

Briefly: If I had to name the one word, that is most often used to label something as what it is not, my vote would go to "healthy". Whether it's the issue of sugar vs. honey, of butter vs. oil or of calories vs. nutrients, science and evidence are clearly not playing the lead role in the culinary theater of the world wide web. Judging by its popularity, that's a missed opportunity.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Death Of Good Cholesterol


There were always two types of cholesterol, the good and the bad. Until now. A large new study tells us that good cholesterol might have been an impostor. That's food for the media types. For those who think before they type, the real news is that we are finally getting closer to uncovering the impostors. Thanks to the genetics revolution which seems to be paying off in an unexpected area.  



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Monday, May 21, 2012

Individualized Medicine, Ignorant Medics And An Invitation To Lose Weight.

In my previous post I promised to talk about your individualized way to achieving optimal health. If that made you think about personalized medicine, you were right. Almost. Because personalized medicine is still light-years away from us. That's the bad news. The good news, personalized prevention is an emerging reality. At least in my lab. Which is why I would like to invite you to become a part of it. No strings attached. But before we get to this let's first get on the same page about the personalization of medicine.
Two questions we need to ask ourselves: What is personalized medicine and why would we want it?
Professor Jeremy K Nicholson of the Imperial College, London, defined personalized medicine as "effective therapies that are tailored to the exact biology or biological state of an individual" [1]. Such tailoring of a treatment, say for your high blood pressure, would require your doctor to evaluate your biochemical and metabolic profile in order to prescribe you the most effective drug or treatment at the most effective dose, with the least possibility of side effects.
Now, why would we want this?
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